
The moment Lei Zhen finished saying that the patient was stuck in the virtual world, unable to come back to the real world, the entire room's atmosphere became tense.

Especially the patient's parents that were practically begging Doctor Cain to save their son.

Doctor Cain had to pacify the parents that they are going to equip the MagnoPod with a new batch of Nutrient Solution and monitor the heartbeat of the patient through a special technology.

Right now, the problem is that they are unable to forcefully crack the MagnoPod open to retrieve the patient, mainly because it would damage their brain nerve completely.

Not to mention, there is no guarantee that the patient would wake up after being forcefully disconnected.

"I've never seen such a patient condition like this before." Doctor Cain muttered gravely, clearly not knowing what to do in such a situation.

The same goes for Lei Zhen as he had never heard of an incident of a player being trapped in the MagnoPod.