Neutral City, Yelan

After disconnecting the call with Tang Qiaolian, Lei Zhen was glad that he didn't need to personally send an invitation to Shan Lin since the matter had gotten quite large in the game itself.

He was sure that not a single person that played Magnolia had ever thought that this would ever become a huge problem.

Hence, the matter was able to stall for so long before anyone decided to come forward to take this matter seriously.

Scratching his head, Lei Zhen was really tired and wondered who could be so capable of committing such a matter.

'How can they possibly trap a player when the system itself would force the player to log out after a certain amount of time no matter their situation?' He wondered silently.

Unable to figure it out, Lei Zhen patiently waited for the train to arrive and this time, it took him quite a while to return home given that Samantha's condo was located pretty far.