
Smither Gary chuckled heartily when Lei Zhen managed to see through his agenda right away, and on the dot as well.

"Indeed, once you learn how to smith from me, I would no longer assist you anymore. I'm too used to my idle lifestyle where I don't have to work for anyone- even if that person is Mistress Doreah." Smither Gary said, his face flashing a bit of bitterness.

Lei Zhen remained silent when he heard that, not knowing what to say.

As much as he wanted Smither Gary to keep working for him, he knew that was an impossible task.

Smither Gary might be an NPC, but the NPC in Magnolia are so real that it was hard to even differentiate them from actual players. Thus, Lei Zhen wouldn't force someone to do something that they don't want to do, especially when they aren't his enemies.

"I understand, Smither Gary. But we can save that kind of talk for the future since who knows if you would ever change your mind?" Lei Zhen finally said after remaining silent for a few minutes.