Blessed Ones

In the smithing room, Candice was controlling the heat temperature precisely whereas Lei Zhen was hammering the monster core repeatedly.

Of course, there were also other materials that needed to be hammered down to a specific shape, but with the assistance of Candice, Lei Zhen's work was reduced immensely.

It was as if Candice was the perfect support for an ADC (attack damage carrier) in a MOBA game, knowing full well her partner's strengths and weaknesses.

"How long did you study under that elder of yours? You are almost as skilled as Smither Gary." Lei Zhen exclaimed in shock when Candice managed to provide him with the materials at the precise moment that he required them.

Such a task was not easy to do because it was the same as being an assistant to a surgeon during surgery. You'll need to understand the situation as a whole and the current process they are in.

"Just for a while, Master, nothing much." Candice merely said, brushing off the topic nonchalantly.