Sinos City

Lei Zhen wasn't hundred percent positive that Smither Gary may have teleported to Sinos City church with the Bolten Artifact, but there was no time in thinking further.

Just the fact that they had searched the secret hideout in every nook and cranny, and didn't find him, plus the fact that none of them had seen Smither Gary came out either. The only explanation for this was that Smither Gary had used the Bolten Artifact to teleport away.

After all, the teleportation function was one such feature that an NPC was ineligible or incapable of using.

"Wait, you're planning on using the Bolten Artifact based on your guts alone?" Tang Qiaolian raised an eyebrow and asked, clearly astonished that he would do such a risky move.

If it was in the past, then Lei Zhen would absolutely never do something unless he had a high percentage of succeeding in it. He had always stated why waste effort in uncertainty when you can bid for time and do it once you have a high certainty of it.