
When Lei Zhen threatened to reveal that he was eavesdropping on their private conversation, Smither Gary merely flinched a bit before regaining his composure.

"No, you will definitely not tell Candice!" Smither Gary said confidently, almost as if he was hundred percent positive about it.

"Oh really, how are you so sure about it?"

"Because if you want me to work for you sincerely, then you should know blackmailing or forcing me to comply with you is definitely not the way to go. And despite how hateful you are, I can tell you aren't some dumb idiot that would attempt such a thing."

Lei Zhen was instantly rendered speechless because Smither Gary complimented and insulted him simultaneously.

What was worse was that he couldn't rebuke such a claim. It was a lose-lose situation regardless if he agreed or disagreed with his words.

Meanwhile, Smither Gary smirked evilly, almost as if he had figured out a method to deal with Lei Zhen's shrewdness.