Hidden Burdens, Future Ambitions

In the current medical field, everyone had heard of the name Samantha, but before Samantha made a name for herself, the rising star was someone called Rebecca.

She was an innovative and creative doctor that created numerous medical formulas that altered the fate of many patients. It was at the height that she was destined to receive a Nobel Prize from the rest of the world.

However, before she could even shine brighter, her presence seemingly vanished from the medical field, and not a single media source was able to deduce where she had gone.

"Such a vile crime actually happened to Rebecca?" Lei Zhen exclaimed in shock.

Back then, he was still focusing on his study and had no chance of interacting with Rebecca. Thus, he had only heard of her achievement through media and professors that had nothing but praise for such a figure.

Never once did Lei Zhen expect that such a figure was Lao Ting's daughter, not to mention the unfortunate incident that followed up with Rebecca.