Damon Anderson

Damon quickly zipped his mouth and stayed silent.

“Do you have any idea how worried mom is? Why are you so careless, Owen?” Daniel frowned.

After dropping Emma home, Daniel tried to call Owen but his number was unreachable. When he called Damon, he landed straight into his voicemail. This made him very suspicious. He then called one of the men who worked under Damon. This is when he found out both Damon and Owen had met with an accident and were admitted in the hospital.

Daniel was so worried about them that he took the earliest flight possible and rushed straight to the hospital from the airport.

"I didn't do anything. It wasn't our fault," Owen remarked.

"Exactly. We were so careful," Damon added. "We wouldn't have landed here if that sly b*stard hadn't used such a cheap trick."

Damon Anderson was Owen and Daniel's first cousin.

After losing both his parents when he was ten years old, he was raised by Arthur and Melissa, Owen and Daniel's parents.