Same Woman

Owen was about to say something more when Damon pulled him down.

Leaning towards him, Damon said in a very low voice, "Don't even try, it won't work." Since he arrived home, he had tried his best to avoid both the elders, especially Melissa. But after staying in his room and forcing himself to nap all day, he figured out there was no way out, he had to step out and face them. He would be home for quite some time, there was no way he would always escape.

This is why he mustered up all his courage and came down only to realize that Melissa and Elizabeth were already waiting for him.

"If you hadn't stepped out, we were planning to break into your room." Elizabeth had told him as soon as he approached them.

"Did you use the 'I am in a lot of pain' card?" Owen inquired.

"Everything—nothing is working." Damon looked at Daniel who was shamelessly grinning from ear to ear. "What the hell is wrong with him? Did he sleep with the hanger in his mouth or something?"