Hunt You Down

Mate? Darius refused to believe it. He had a mate for a while, even if they didn't have any children just yet. That mate only let him go minutes ago; how come he was already on the plate of this strange man? Did that even mean that he had been searching for nothing for a long time?

However, those thoughts didn't reach the other man. The stranger quickly lunged down at him, causing Darius to push his hand up to catch the face. It's just that the stranger grabbed Darius's wrist and rendered the counterattack ineffective.

"Shh… it's all right. I won't hurt you."

"Get off of me!" Darius felt how one of his hands was quickly deflected, while the other was effectively pinned down even before he could use it. They both landed on the bed, but the stranger only lay on top of him. The stranger didn't have any plans of destroying his clothes.

Darius suddenly realized that some thoughts were already flowing into his mind, despite the formlessness they all came in. It was as if they were all being disguised as his own subconscious ideas that resurfaced. At this, Darius resorted to keeping his mouth shut.

This delusional Alpha… was capable of breaking down his mind wall gently as if trying not to get detected. The link was slowly being established, and it was so ridiculous to Darius—it was so ridiculous that it was terrifying.

A mate bond was only possible between mates; hence, the name. That was why Darius was falling into a state of confusion. Could it be that the stranger was not lying?

"Darius… why don't you say my name?" The stranger felt the limpness in Darius's arms, freely moving them over the other's head. He used the chance to bring his weight to his elbows and lift his torso a bit, finding Darius staring at him intently. "Why is it too surprising for you?"

"…it's because I'm a fucking Alpha…!" Darius blinked and felt the need to regain his ferocity. He chose not to be looked down upon by this delusional man. "Get off of me. I'm not going to accept you as my new mate. I don't even know you. I'm not touching that link you're trying to establish…"

"Why not? Can't you see me as someone better than the last?" The man only smiled at Darius. "At least, say my name. I'll release you…"

He said those words, but Darius only felt his grip tightening on those wrists they held. Darius began to struggle to free himself, but the stranger slid his knee up between Darius's legs. When the knee pressed against him, Darius suddenly felt like his body was starting to betray him.

A slight blush came to his face as Darius looked down as if he could see the insolent knee, but all he could see was the stranger's chest that pinned him against the bed. Darius then looked up at the smiling face of the stranger. It was surprising that the man didn't look down at him with victory—at least not by then when Darius laid defenseless on his bed.

"When was the last time your mate gave into your needs?" He lowered his head and whispered in Darius's ear. The warm breath tickled the ear that soon began to redden, causing Darius to turn his face away. "We both knew that she's not… happy with you at all."

"Tch, what does that have to do with anything? So, what if she only agreed to be my mate because of my strength?" Darius gritted his teeth. "She can even throw me away as soon as she wants."

Darius felt the burst in his power at the thought of that woman, who showed him no affection even during their mating ritual. His rage somewhat made him glare at the stranger again. In a breath's length, he tried to force his body out of the man's hold. It's just that… the delusional Alpha was too powerful—even more than him or anyone he had ever seen.

Darius's eyes widened as he was slammed down on the bed. It was even too powerful that his body ached, and a moan came out. His breath was suddenly held down at the noise that he just made. His fingers began to move as he changed strategy.

"W-Wait, Nicholai, let's talk about this first." There was no point in trying to fight someone that could kill him in an instant. Darius already felt the delusional Alpha's burst of power, so he was so sure that he couldn't defeat this guy without any help.

The only way left was to negotiate.

It's just that… Nicholai finally grinned in victory. He moved his head closer to Darius's face again before licking the length of the other's cheek. Needless to say, he felt how much Darius trembled at his action. "You already lost your chance to escape me…

"…but I am magnanimous even to those who attack me. Why would I not choose to make you comfortable? However, keep in mind that you are not allowed to leave." For some reason, Nicholai released Darius and only pulled back to kneel on the bed. His cherry eyes scanned Darius's body slowly as if hands that traced every contour of his body.

"…is there a chance that we don't do this tonight? I'm not really in the mood to jump into another person like some rogue…" Darius placed his hand on his chest and abdomen, his palms attempting to cover as much as they could.

"But you are already a rogue. Didn't they exile you?" Nicholai leaned down again and used his elbows to carry his weight as he pinned Darius against the bed. "The full moon is approaching, Darius. You have been deprived enough. Let me have you."

Darius looked in the eyes of the delusional Alpha… only for him to break out again. However, this time, Nicholai evaded Darius's claws that shot out from underneath him. The delusional Alpha rolled off of him, only seeing how Darius chose to break the window to get to the balcony and out of the room.

Rainwater drew on the broken glass, letting Darius's blood drip down as it got diluted. The scent of the sea was also washing away the one left behind by the rogue Alpha. Nicholai got up from the bed and looked down from the balcony, not knowing where Darius had gone.

He only slid his finger along the edge of the broken glass, collecting the only drop of blood that was spared from the rain. The finger was then brought to the man's lips, Nicholai spreading the blood droplet on his tongue.

"Don't worry, Darius. I don't mind giving you a head start. Just make sure you can hide from me now that you chose to decline me." Nicholai frowned as he oversaw the gloomy coastal city. "I will hunt you down and bring you back… perhaps after dealing with… that."