Omega Bits

Engine sounds blared in the streets as the wind blew on a pair of ADV motorbikes that raced each other through the city center all the way into the hills that led to another city. They were set to arrive at the mountain camp of the Gammas before the evening would fall into the state.

Of course, Darius was having the time of his life as soon as they left the streets of the city. The legal street speed limit was forgotten as he crossed into the hills as if they were taking a shortcut to the mountains to the southwest. The winds had gone stronger, but wasn't he the one who missed running faster than the wind?

Nicholai was making use of their vague connection to tell him where they were headed, so he felt free to let Darius lead the way to the mountain camp. He was only trying to overtake the other from time to time to give in to the challenge of a race. It was not that he didn't want to compete, but…

"Come and catch me if you can, Nicholai!" Darius yelled after he got a boost from banking on a corner. The lovely mate was even howling like he was just a small child on a theme park ride.

"My, my, be careful, love." Nicholai only laughed as he took a corner swiftly as well, soon showing up next to the other. "There are some other vehicles coming from the opposite direction. Watch out for blind corners if you want to gain on me again."


Nicholai only laughed and sped up to take over and sped a notch faster. This only made Darius sneer and quickly caught up with the other. When cars appeared in the other lane, the two decided to slow down to an acceptable speed to not distract the drivers. It's just that the passengers still took a look.

After all, they were on a pair of Ducatis… and wearing no protective gear at all. One even had strange protrusions on his head.

The trip to the mountain camp was only filled with Darius's laughter. The motorbikes that Nicholai bought for them were so powerful that crossing the uneven path was not much of a problem. They could even imitate movie stunts as they raced along the side of the mountain.

It's just that Darius couldn't help but notice how the trees would sway a little as if making their branch move out of his way. He didn't have to get so low to keep his face safe from the twigs and the branches. When he got to the clearing that served as a finish line, he noticed how Nicholai jumped from the side and left him in the dust. He wanted to accelerate some more, but…

"What?" Darius ended up slowing down. It was because after Nicholai appeared, he was being chased by the winds with small flowers riding the gust. There were white and yellow flowers as if Nicholai had been collecting them.

The winds then swirled lightly as if circulating Darius instead. Leaves were plucked out from the trees to join the flower shower that covered him. The fragrance lured him to watch them dance gently around him, making him slow down to a speed he could control without paying attention. He even reached out a hand to catch some petals that scattered softly around him.

"Are we really here for something important?" Darius murmured as he watched the flowers.

"It is important." Instead of the flower shower, Nicholai was more intent on watching the slightest smile on Darius's face. It seemed that this mate was so easy to please as long as he knew the right things to do.

Darius then looked ahead and slowed down to a stop meters before Nicholai. However, the flower shower had one last burst that scattered all the flowers overheard. The petals then gently rained down on Darius, making the mate look up and raise two hands to catch the petals. His wolf ears would twitch to flick petals off, but some of them rested on Darius's head.

The father wolf only giggled as he used his transfigured paws to pat the flowers off… only to remember that Nicholai was watching him. Darius froze a little and blushed as he looked away, attending to his leather jacket that also collected petals from the last shower.

"Stop smiling like an idiot. I will punch you." Darius grumbled.

"I am very glad that I can make you smile. The entrance to the camp is at the next clearing. Let us be on our way." Nicholai revved his motorbike after getting into position again. He waited for Darius to pout and proceed first before following suit.

When they got to the entrance of the mountain camp, they had to park the motorbikes at the parking area before trekking to the cottages uphill. Since they were considered healthy, it was not a problem to walk for an hour. It's just that they were surely taking their time.

Darius had his hand behind his head and nonchalantly walked while looking around. He had never gone to the mountains before, and the strong smell of the breeze and trees were unlike the scents in the city. The wind was clean and fresh, the feeling cool to his face. Even when they were headed to the visible cottage, the wind stayed the same.

"Is this a training camp because the place has the least distraction?" Darius then asked as he laid his eyes on the cottage. He could also hear the voices of the Gamma trainees that were chattering over the campfire for the evening. After all, the night had fallen while they were making their way to this place.

"One of the reasons." Nicholai had his hands on his side, letting his coat dance in the wind that blew over the peak where the cottage stood. At his arrival, the trainees all got to their feet. "No need to be stiff. You're on your breaks. Where's your Chief?"

"Sir Rook is inside, Master!" One of the trainer Gammas came to welcome them. However, he cast a gaze on the other Alpha that was looking around. "…Master…"

Nicholai figured that these ones had yet to receive the announcement regarding their Second Master. However, he didn't find it necessary to tell them for now. "He's with me. Wait for your Chief to make announcements for later."

The trainer only assented with respect, but he took a look at Darius again. This time, the old Alpha of this trainer met his gaze. Darius didn't look away instantly; he just tested if the trainer would glare at him. However, the trainer didn't… so Darius stopped looking at him. It's just that when Darius walked past the trainer, the trainer laughed in a strange tone. Darius had kept his ears already, right?

Darius paused and turned to look. The trainer was not meeting the father's gaze, but he spoke as if he was talking to Darius. "Guess the Omega bits in you continue to attract male Alphas. Not only our powerful Master Gil, but even Master Nicholai can't resist you. Just what kind of wish did your mother have?"

"…I don't have Omega bits." Darius gritted his teeth and continued walking ahead.

"Damn old things. They still talk like that." The father huffed as he walked into the cottage, closing the door behind him. He didn't see any Omega helpers here, so he figured Nicholai would have to look after himself here. However, before he could walk into the room where Nicholai was, he received a notion that he was being asked to go to another place.

Darius pouted as he begrudgingly walked to where Nicholai asked him to go. "Sending me to the room? Seriously? Fine. Do you want me to draw your bath, too? What a pest."

It's just that when he opened the door, he was brought to the kitchen. The Gammas inside the place froze in their spots. It didn't help that Darius caught them just trying to reheat frozen rations for the trainees and the other soldiers. The designated pack mother closed his eyes and cried inside himself.

"…me, too. I don't want to eat this, either. Fine, I'll cook…"