We Want a Cart

Hop! Hop! Hop! Unlike the last few times they went to the grocery, Megan was sticking around Darius. In fact, she was holding onto him with one of her hands… and Nicholai in the other. The sun was just a couple of hours from the edge of the horizon, but the small family decided to go out for the entire day. They would be getting groceries, have someone drive the bags back home, and tour the mall.

A very wide grin was on Megan's face when she was hopping and prancing as they went. Sometimes, the two adults would help her jump while she was holding onto their hands. As for the two boys, they were on the outer sides of the two adults. Dylan stuck to Darius's arm with a juice drink, while Adrian was also jumping around when Megan did. It was not a problem for Nicholai to carry them both even.