Balloons and Apples

The chalk made this low, ticking noise as Teacher wrote on the board. The Math problems looked hard, but we could just count the balloons she drew. I really liked the sound of Teacher writing on the board, but I didn't like getting called to answer. My friends said that I was too dumb to get anything right.

I just told myself that if I wasn't dumb… Adrian wouldn't teach me anything.

"Okay, everyone, who wanted to answer the question on the board?" Teacher was going to choose someone again, and I didn't want to give a wrong answer again. Please don't let her call me!

"It should be five…" I heard Adrian murmur. I took a look at him, and he smiled at me. He then showed me his drawing, and it looked similar to the balloons on the board. "Fourteen minus four minus five should be five. I'm right, right?"