To the Market (2)

Even if that was their pack's store, Darius still felt obligated to buy something. He didn't have a bag, so he was only snacking on dried fruits while taking swigs of the mango juice. As for the other things he bought, Nicholai offered to hold the paper bag for him.

The lesser Alpha took in the sight of the stores in the market. It was a place that he didn't remember Gilbert showing him, but he was sure that he had heard of that place before. Darius only looked around, softly whistling before his eyes landed on the small clinic for the non-human.

"The manager should still be here." Nicholai checked his phone as if Julian was relaying reports to him. When he pocketed his phone to open the frosted door, he quickly retreated to give way to the one going outside. He wasn't normally this respectful… but the other person was furious and not even looking where he was going.