My Dad's Car

"But it's strange…" Madeleine emptied her water bottle and moved to look for a trash bin. "Those guys are not werewolves… they're something lesser… not even were-coyotes…"

Darius emerged from the backroom to pack the wine bottles properly before realizing that Dwight was secretly seething on his spot. However, the vampire didn't let his eyes glare at any of the werewolves at the counter. He worked on arranging the wine bottles to keep the cloth bag from tearing. "What did I miss? Why are they suddenly angry?"

Nicholai didn't have anything to do anymore, so he was just twisting the displays to better suit his view. "Were-hyenas dropped by and decided to scratch Lord Truman's car under the guise of spiting Miss Bingham for having a boyfriend who works in a store. They have augmented blood, so their scent has come off differently to other races. Perhaps, it was even enhanced by scent buttons."

At this, the mate whistled. "Is the damage bad?"