Setting Things in Fire

In a distant city…

Police sirens kept on blaring in the streets, competing with the screams of the people and the sirens of the fire department. Flames had eaten an entire block, and the people escaping were all coughing from the smoke that they had inhaled. Embers flew around as the winds only made the fire taller and way fiercer.

"Fire!" The police chief yelled out as the officers rained their bullets on that walking figure emerging from the burning building. However, their bullets were only melted by the extreme temperatures that surrounded the person. 

When the chief saw that it was futile to resist her, creaking noises came to everyone's earshot. The chief looked up and saw how the building in front of them began to bend down from the scorch on its lower floors. Glass windows began to shatter, raining shards on everyone. At this, the chief ordered everyone to escape and clear the area.