What did I Miss?

The bustling noises of the busy city center were very new to Yona's ears. She kept covering her ears with her dainty hands—hands that had yet to experience the hardships of working on the farm. When she noticed that the driver of the elf truck glanced at her, she slowly lowered her arms back to her lap.

This little girl was one of the upcoming additions to the Omegas in their 'humble' Estate. Her first assignment was to observe the delivery process from the farm to the convenience store in the common market. However, since Ansel was still in recovery, someone else was asked to make the delivery.

"You don't have to be so nervous. It gets really noisy here, but at least, it's not from people fighting." Darius chuckled as he made his way to the common market through Ansel's elf truck. He was also wearing a similar uniform to what Ansel wore at that time. Even the girl named Yona was wearing the same uniform to represent the farm.