Something Close to... Dad (2)

The group was only eating quietly as if they were all exhausted from their trip. No one made a comment on the food; no one tried to strike up a conversation, either. The same could be said for Darius since he traveled after dinner and reached a foreign place at midnight. It didn't help that Nicholai was not there next to him on the bed… and the bed itself was not similar to the one in the Estate.

"…I shouldn't have eaten that…" Enzo stuck his tongue out. He brought his spoon down and eyed Darius who kept on eating. "How could you stomach eating this? You can even make better things."

"Show respect to the kitchen brigade, Enzo. Even Megan eats everything on her plate whether it was my cooking or not." Darius didn't want to argue anymore. He was hungry and frustrated. He even forgot that he was not supposed to treat the prince like a pup. "My food is not an ordinary thing. I only cooked for you because you were our guest. Continue clearing your plate."