Gilbert Gillard

Fierce waters hit a small werewolf pup's body as he tried to swim across the stream that rainy night. He kept on gasping for air, with his nose raised up to avoid drowning. He was the youngest and yet the bravest—an Alpha among the Omega children and parents. That was what Darius was.

That night was especially cold as the snow started to melt. Darius could remember being chased by the humans armed with their guns and lights. It was a full moon, but his family was not out in the forest to give thanks to the Moon Goddess. They were running away from a mob of humans.

The four pups had to run at the same pace as their mother. Darius and his siblings had all transformed into their wolf forms just to keep up with Anthea's speed. The mother remained human in form, but she was faster than any of their pursuers.