F in Sewing Class

When the door's wind chime rang that time, Darius wouldn't think that he would see such a familiar figure. She had walked in with her long dark hair covering most of her face, a slit only there for humans to not run at the sight of her. Her voluptuous body was clad in a red turtleneck sweater and denim jeans. It didn't help that her supposed green-veined hands were covered by flesh latex gloves.

She came to the counter with the gait that was undeniably coming from a siren. However, since she was controlling her charm mist, even the unprotected were-rabbit didn't fall for her in one look. She held up the flyer and spoke with a soft, melodic voice. "Who can I talk to about this?"

"Hm, applying for the amusement park, are we? Wait, let me just take a file from the backroom." Rainier smiled at Darius before hurrying to get a file, so he wouldn't have to leave his post for too long.