He Has Us

"Father?" Virgil whispered, but he wondered why he didn't get the urge to say 'Your Majesty' instead. However, when he looked at his hand, he noticed how some parts were graying, others wrinkling. It was as if he was rapidly aging.

"Stay still for now, Virgil. I already called people to bring over whatever we have to cure you." Aldous mellowed his smile as he caressed his son's head again. "The Star of Sheratan had been devoured, but your body was salvaged by the nightmare Spica had created. However, the loss of so much moon power had an adverse effect on your body. Worry not. It's nothing deadly at this point."

Virgil stared at his father as Aldous spoke, the younger man not even making any changes in his expression. He was still looking at Aldous as if he denied the world as he saw it at the moment. There was no way that he survived the wrath of the star; there was no way that his father would…