For the First Time, She is Happy

For everyone else, the weekend was a time to unwind, but for the Haga family, it was filled with nothing but nightmares. The father of the siblings was sent to jail for ten years on the account of hostage-taking and physical abuse toward the mother. Since he couldn't be deported for being naturalized, he had to rot in jail for almost a decade.

On this Monday, Aurora was even debating if she should come to school or look around for work. She could only apply to be a household helper since she was not good with animals and children. Her thin body was also making her elusive about sports.

However, she still found herself on her way to school. Her younger brother was going to school as well, either. Their mother already set off to look for a job since her husband was already fired. Aurora didn't know how to deal with all of this on her own.