
Unlike yesterday, most wolves that woke up to the aftermath of a nightmare saw the sun shining down on them again. One of these was the bubbly girl that had an epiphany two nights ago. She got out of her bed to go to school again today after getting two days off. She raced to the shared bathroom of the west wing and started her morning routine.

Her smiles continued as she got to the Dining Hall for breakfast. Some wolves were already there, while others were still out of sight. She first went to the grumpy boy surrounded by his friends at their table. Her hand quickly went to slap his shoulder. "Good morning!"

"Ow! Goodness, why?" The boy growled, but he didn't have to turn to know who did so. Her sweet perfume and loud voice were enough of a giveaway. He rubbed his shoulder. "Dammit, what do you want so early in the morning? And did you walk here like that?"