Succeeding a King

There were no visible changes in the place, but the clocks in their houses had struck nine in the evening. This was probably the only time that the soldiers and servants of the castle could rest. They were supposed to be more active at night as nocturnal beings, but they just fought a battle. Also, there was no sun underground. Their day could be the same time as the humans outside, and none of them would bat an eye.

Ilya sat down in a private waiting room with Nicholai and Darius. This time, he was donned in the proper apparel of a respectable King of the Moon. His dark tunic mimicked the night, and the glistening stones on them were like the stars. However, he didn't even wear a fearsome or intimidating aura as if he would rather make friends than pick fights. After all, he had heard about how the fake Frost King welcomed his guests.