Let's play a game.

Ace arched his brows and looked at me, a puzzled expression on his face.

Victoria was also staring at me, puzzled.

Yeah! I may appear insane, but I really want to know how the urge that I've been feeling since I drank that mysterious wine… how the urge stopped.

I'm intrigued because an urge cannot be stopped on its own. Can it?

"Why are you all making such expressions?" I interrogate because the sudden silence is freaking me out.

"Hmm! because I don't see why Ace shouldn't help you satisfy your desire." Victoria declares quietly.

I'd completely forgotten she was standing next to me, and now I'm spewing garbage out of my mouth.

"Ohh! Yeah. That's why I'm asking, because I want to make sure I didn't hurt him, which would be terrible." I declare, attempting to blend in with the situation.