Something on your cheek.

I became breathless, staring at him in disbelief. His stare was fixed on me, indicating his seriousness.

Ace words are not to be taken lightly, and I despise the fact that he had just spoken to me coldly. "Do you really think I should do that? Do you think I should kill my feelings?" Ace became quiet when I asked.

I restrain myself from crying any more silent tears. "I... it's nice that you cared about me, and I appreciate everything you've done for me." I mumble and get up from where I was squatting.

Ace's gaze never left my body as he stared at me, speechless.

He doesn't know what to say to make Natasha smile again. "Pretending to be my wife is a wonderful thing, Natasha, and tomorrow you will receive your first salary, so it's best if things stay the same." He says solemnly, and his eyes appear to be pleading with me to agree with his decision.