Shady thought.

"Pretty one, smile while you can. Besides, why don't you be the sleeping beauty with your teeth white as snow. Natasha, you're going to sleep and never wake up, and guess what... Please let me in as I knock on your door." I open my eyes wide and stare at my phone screen as I read the entire text.

Ace quickly noticed my expression and pecked his brows in surprise before frowning.

At first, he thought Natasha was looking at him with admiration, but after seeing tears fall from her eyes, he couldn't help but frown. "What happened?" Ace inquired, rolling his wheelchair towards me.

I'm now seated on the couch, and tears stream freely from my eyes.

I couldn't hear anything because I was deep in thought. Ace had repeatedly called out Natasha's name, and Abe had become so terrified that he too made his way towards Natasha.