He was shut.

"Who in the world is..."

The person entered the room before Sonia could even finish her sentence.

A smile appeared on my weak face because I believe the person is Ace, who is on his way to save me from my psychotic sister.

Sonia jumped down from her boyfriend's body and pulled a gun from her pocket. Her boyfriend also pulled out a gun and pointed it at the door.

Sonia quickly pulled her trigger as the person's feet came into view.

The sound of the gun causes me to flinch. The owner of the feet was obviously a man, so I'm guessing it wasn't Ace because Ace can't work.

Perhaps he's in his wheelchair and his leg is stretched outward, which Sonia has currently shut.

The man whose leg had just been shot screamed in excruciating pain. "Arrrrhhhhhhh!" As he leaps towards Sonia, he screams.