"Going once! Going twice! Sold! We will deliver the item to you when the auction ends!"
Aldred felt excited and worried at the same time. "Mary, we got the item."
Mary nodded rapidly. Blood rushed in her heart. 28,000 gold coins. It was either do or die now. If velobra sold less than that, they'd be damned.
"Our next item is a magical pill created by a Platinum Ranked magic alchemist. Let me emphasize the word magic for you all! The cart revealed a glass container filled with white beautiful pills. These are Miracle Breath Pills. When you climb the mountain, the higher you climb, the thinner the air. This makes it hard for you to breathe. With these pills, you do not have to worry about that. This container has 40 pills, and starts with the price of 1,200 Gold coins!"
"Do we need that?" Aldred asked.
"I don't think we should spend any more," Mary said. "We have already spent 28,000 gold coins. What if velobra doesn't earn more than that?