Chapter 322 Let's Be Friend

The treasure hunters approached the magic bubble, and the soldiers handed them food. A lot of people were skeptical at first, thinking that the food was poisoned, but after they saw the food was being taken directly from the grill and even the soldiers were eating from it, they accepted the food and inspected it with their magical treasure and detection spell.

Aldred could only laugh at their action. It was good that they were being wary, so he didn't blame them at all. In fact, he would mock them if they didn't even do such a basic thing. Kindness was rarer than a gem. It was foolish to think that a stranger would give you something for free without any hidden intention.

A lot of people live by this rule, so a lot of them didn't even consider accepting his offer and ate whatever they had left. A few of them were so desperate that they took some seaweed from the sea tomb and ate them.