Chapter 370 Ogre Attack

Ever moving, never descending, the island floated high above mountains and clouds. Birds yearned to reach it, and men dreamed of it in their sleep.

But never would they ever set foot in this holy land. Not without broken bones and spilled blood.

Elean stood at the edge of the island. Behind her, angels with harps, flutes, and trumpets played a heavenly sound that would bring pleasure to the ears, and salvation to those in despair. This sound was said to be able to bring back death, turn evil men into good, and turn any situation for the better. 

The angel stopped playing and dropped to their knees, bringing their hands together as they closed their eyes.

In front of them was the hall of the thousand gods. Their bibles were each put on an altar with holy light basking them from above.

"O' great Lords. Please let us serve you for eternity. Let us toil in your garden, and serve your table with fruits and wine."