Chapter 381 Blood Lock

The centipede roared in pain before all the faces on its showed an expression of rage. They all opened their mouth, and Aldred saw blades made out of bones shooting out from the mouth directly at him.

The blade looked extraordinarily sharp with some small protruding bones on its tip which could create extra damage when the blade first entered.

Aldred slipped to the left, and parried a blade that came at him before he rolled on the centipede's back, and jumped as a bone blade went for his leg.

There was a face on that blade, screaming as it stared at him.

Aldred looked around and noticed that the centipede had actually moved its body on the wall. He thought there was a lot of monsters, but in reality, it was just one centipede, but the length and size was huge enough for it to make a circle around the entire width of the cave.

This also caused a problem. Because the centipede's body circled around the cave, that meant the ugly faces on its body could attack him in any directions.