Chapter 400 Phantom Doomblade Upgrade! (18+)

After the aura dissipated, Stella removed the barrier and they began approaching the Phantom Doomblade.

Its majestic aura washing all over them.

"Such an amazing blade."

"It looked monstrous and devil-like before, but now it has an aura of an emperor."

The blade commanded awe and respect, and when it flew to Aldred's hand, his aura as a whole was of that of a great general.

This made the soldiers looked at Aldred in a different light. They already considered him to be a great general, but with that sword in hand, he looked even more favorable in their eyes.

They revered him even more than before, and as if on cue, Aldred stopped mid-step and turned around to look at them.

"I will have your obedience." He said this loud enough for everyone to hear.

After that statement, they had a powerful urge to bow, but Aldred quickly removed the aura.

He looked at the sword in his hand. "The Phantom Doomblade made me say that."