Chapter 454 Thank You


It was complete darkness. Like a void in space with no stars.

Suddenly, a speck of light came forth, it blinked a couple of times and expanded, revealing itself as a light bulb.

Suddenly, more light bulbs shone, removing the darkness and showed the room full of cables and tubes. The metallic scent was extremely thick, so much so that a normal person would suffocate if they went inside.

All around the room was computers, processing lots of data at once. There was no one there, except for one man.

His face was hidden by a red robe that draped over his shoulder and down to his feet, dragging onto the cold steel floor.

On the screen, some sort of complex codes went all over the place.

"Aldred… HE. HAS. TO. DIE."

Aldred and Edeline smiled. Mary and his other wives also looked at each other and smiled.