Chapter 472 Playing With Time

"You play dirty," Aldred said.

"I can say the same thing to you. You are quite cunning for a Diamond Rank. Only old fogies usually act like that."

"Maybe I am older than I look."

"I know your true age," Victor said. "You are 12 year old child."

It maddened him just processing that information. A twelve year old and yet already at Diamond Ranks. And not just any Diamond Rank, but a powerful one that could even contend against him who had been a Diamond Rank for hundred of years.

Aldred received a piece of information through telepathy and then smiled which confused Victor.

"Are you not worried about your Empire?"

"We are the strongest Empire in this continent. Of course I would not be worried."

"Selia is a force to reckon with. And my army is ready to provide vital information to them. Your Empire might survive but it will receive great destruction."

That might be the case if we do not have allies."

Victor's eyes flickered. "Montcresia…"