Chapter 591 Commander Brenea

"So what do we do now? Shinari asked?

Salamander pointed towards a massive, thick tower made out of black steel. "We need to reach the command center first. The demons are disturbing our communication system and we cannot contact the head command with our current communication device."

Salamander's back popped open, revealing a small steel box with an antenna popping out. It was the radio. However, there were some cracks all over it, indicating that it could barely be used for communication.

Cleome looked up. "Going there means we need to kill hundreds of demons in our way."

"That's a good plan. Let's do that," Salamander said, not even considering the difficulty of achieving such feat. "We have no time to waste. Aldred, I hope your stamina can keep up with us."

Salamander started running. His hulking machine of steel thumped the ground with each step. Steam came out of the exhausts on the back and suddenly, his speed increased.