Chapter 630 The Planet

The cruise ships had sailed for more than a week and now they had arrived at the peaceful planet of Quintesa. The people looked out of the window and cheered in excitement, not knowing the hidden danger under the veil. 

The sailors and the security guards were also relieved. Only, Shuzib and Aldred's circle of friends knew about this matter. This was also to their advantage because they did not want to spread panic. 

After the cruise ship docked on the space station, Aldred and his team quickly exited the ship. But, an officer stopped them.

"Thank you for your help during the alien infiltration. Without you, there will be so much more casualties."

"I am just doing my job." Aldred patted the man on the shoulder. 

'But my job is not done yet,' Aldred thought to himself. There were a lot more things to get done, and it had to be done or else billions of lives on this planet will die.