Chapter 818 Zagrath

Zarael's response was a soft chuckle, the sound echoing gently off the ancient walls of her office. "Aldred, you've always had a way of making the impossible seem merely challenging." Her gaze lingered on the swirling images of the various races, each a world unto itself, brimming with potential allies and the promise of unity against a common threat.

She stood, her movements graceful, as she approached the holographic display. Her hand hovered over the images, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Making friends, as you put it, won't be easy. Each of these races has its own fears, its own enemies, and its own dreams. But," she turned to face Aldred, her eyes alight with a fierce determination, "if there's a chance to bring them together, to unite them against the darkness threatening us all, then I am with you."

"Don't joke around, Zarael. I know you can do this."

"I am the one supposed to say that. Making friends with other races isn't that simple."