The past itself

After leaving the diner, Feng Tian found herself struggling to hold back her laughter as she replayed Qi Yan's bewildered expression. Each time the waitress had referred to her as his girlfriend, his reactions had been nothing short of comical. She couldn't help but tease him about it.

"M-miss Feng, how could you tell the waitress that I-I?!" Qi Yan questioned exasperatedly.

"What? Is it not true? You are clearly the one playing hard to get."

Qi Yan nodded knowingly as he stared at the woman before him, the smile on her face proving she knew what she was doing,

"I'm not playing hard to get, I-l…"

Qi Yan, flustered and attempting to clarify the situation, only seemed to dig himself into a deeper hole.

"If you were not playing hard to get, then why were you trying so hard to deny that we are not in a relationship, am I that unappealing?" she prodded, a mischievous grin playing on her lips.

His silence left room for her to continue, and she seized the opportunity. "Is it that I'm that unappealing, Qi Yan?" she teased, her eyes dancing with humor. Qi Yan was momentarily stunned, unsure if she was pretending not to know her own allure.

Finally, Qi Yan mustered a response. "Miss Feng, I was just trying to explain to the waitress. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable." He attempted to clarify his intentions, but Feng Tian was a master of playful ribbing.

With an impish smile, she continued her jest. "Well, it didn't sound like that to me. It seemed more like you didn't want to date me." Feng Tian muttered lowly with a pout.

Qi Yan's stunned reaction only fueled her teasing.

"Of course, I want to date y…"

Immediately Qi Yan realized what he had just said, he cursed himself as he turned to face the other side, not daring to face Feng Tian knowing she probably had a huge grin on her face.

"Good to know. Come on, we should head back to the construction site." Feng Tian said with a huge grin plastered on her face as she made her way toward the car, leaving the speechless Qi Yan standing in front of the diner.

Throughout the rest of the ride to the construction site, Feng Tian could not stop herself from smiling as she kept replaying the conversation they had earlier in her head, and immediately they got to the construction site,

Feng Tian, grinning widely, wasted no time jumping out of the car before Qi Yan could say anything. Feng Tian smiled at Li Wei who handed her a hard hat before they began to make their way towards the bustling worksite.

She was greeted by the enthusiastic workers who were familiar with her presence and greeted her with warmth.

Senior, why are you guys just coming? Where did you go?" Xiaorui yelled over the noise of the engines before handing a hard hat to Qi Yan who brush him off as he continues to watch Feng Tian who burst into laughter at what one of the workers said.

As Feng Tian immersed herself in overseeing the site, Qi Yan continued to watche her in awe, noticing the respect and camaraderie she shared with her team. He couldn't help but be impressed by her dedication and determination.

Amid the hustle and bustle, As everyone had their attention on Feng Tian, nobody took notice of the man struggling to balance the new windows on the top floor until he yelled out;

"Watch out!"

On hearing the voice, Feng Tian turn her attention to the source of the voice, her eyes widening in shock as she watched the glass windows fall from the first floor,

Qi Yan, ever vigilant, immediately raced to shield Feng Tian from harm, pushing her out of harm's way just in time before the window collapsed.

Qi Yan groaned as he stood up, quickly checking to make sure the others were safe before rushing toward Feng Tian,

"Hey, Hey, are you okay?" Qi Yan asked as he proceeded to check her body for any sign of injury. Feng Tian exhaled sharply as she open her eyes, feeling her ears ring as she shifted the corner of her eyes towards the broken window that was now scattered all over the place before turning to face Qi Yan with a confused look on her face, slowly reaching up her hand to touch the small scratch on his face as she continued to watch his mouth move.

"You saved me?" Feng Tian muttered as she stared at him before feeling herself being lifted, smiling softly, Feng Tian nuzzled closer to his chest as she thought back to that night five years ago.


That night, Chun Huan stood in shock, unable to move her feet as she stared down at Feng Lin's lifeless body before slowly lifting her eyes towards Wang Hai who smirked as he slowly collected the knife from Bai Yi Chen's trembling hands, staring coldly at the dead Feng Lin one more time before turning to face her,

"Chun Huan, Chun Huan, here." Wang Hai said, pointing to Feng Lin's lifeless body,

"Look at what you caused, you could have just kept quiet, you know." Wang said as he began to move toward her,

"Y-you are not a human being!" Chun Huan spat as she continued to move backward until she felt the door behind her, Wang Hai sighed, nodding slightly in understanding before smacking her right in the face,

"My dear Chun Huan, I understand that you are angry, but you shouldn't be saying things like that with that pretty mouth of yours, I mean is it wrong for our Xiao Bai to, you know, like you, I mean who wouldn't like someone as innocent and beautiful like you, besides he told me he apologized for his mistake, so why did you have to go and rat him out to his wife and create this mess!" Wang Hai yelled. "Look, she's dead because of you."

Chun Huan whimpered as she held her cheek, she could not believe her ears, she couldn't help but feel disgusted at herself for ever thinking someone like Wang Hai was the man for her. They were suddenly interrupted by the voice outside the door,

"Please go back, the president is busy."

Immediately Wang Hai pull his hand on Chun Huan's mouth to silence her before speaking,

"What is it?" Wang Hai asked,

"Mr Wang, it's Cheng Rou Ling, I have some documents that I need your signature for."

"Miss Cheng, I'm kind of busy right now, besides it's late, how about this, bring them to me tomorrow I will sign them."

"Mr Wang, it really can't wait, these documents need to be signed tonight." Cheng Rou Ling said,

"Ok, wait for me upstairs." Wang Hai said, listening to her retreating footsteps before removing his hand from Chun Huan's mouth.

Staring at Chun Huan one more time, Wang Hai tsked, "Such a pretty thing, it's just that I have no choice but to get rid of you too, you've seen too much tonight." Wang Hai said as he grab her by the neck, lightly tracing her skin with the bloody knife before raising it up, immediately, Qi Sheng grab a hold of Wang Hai's leg,

"Chun Huan, run!" Qi Sheng yelled causing him to receive a kick from Wang Hai who turn to face him,

"Hey, I haven't even begun with you yet," Wang Hai said as he shove Qi Sheng off,

" Sui An, I thought I told you to break every bone in his body, why is he still moving?!" Wang Hai yelled, and before he could turn his attention back to Chun Huan, she pushed him, causing him to stumble backward as she burst out of the room through the side door. Wang Hai smirked as he watched her run,

"Look at her run, I really don't like people who do not listen, hey, bring her back here."

Meanwhile, Qi Yan who had texted Qi Sheng to ask where he was sighed as he began to feel his patience run out while waiting for Cheng Rou Ling to come out, they were planning to go on a date when she suddenly said she had to urgently meet her boss at the office. Deciding to go look for her, Qi Yan made his way into the Wang's corporation when suddenly he crashed into someone,

"P-please, save me," Chun Huan pleaded on her knees without bothering to look at who the person was,

"Oh, I know you, Harry Potter!" Qi Yan said in surprise as he stared at the disheveled condition of the woman before him, before he could ask her what was wrong, they suddenly heard the sounds of footsteps approaching, quickly grabbing her by the arm, Qi Yan pulled her up and they both run towards his car and drove off.

"Hey, what's going on? Who did this to you?" Qi Yan, who did not understand the situation asked as he noticed the cars chasing after them,

" Mr Q-qi is still there," Chun Huan choked out,

On hearing his brother's name, Qi Yan turn to face her, but before he could ask her what she meant, they were suddenly jammed by a truck causing the car to tumble over.

"H-hey, Hey, wake up." Chun Huan muttered weakly, lightly stretching her hand toward the unconscious Qi Yan. She was about to find a way out of the vehicle when suddenly her eyes landed on a pair of black shoes,

"Young lady, you shouldn't have run, now I'm going to have to hurt you pretty badly."

On hearing the man's voice, a tear dropped from Chun Huan's eyes as she turned to look at the unconscious Qi Yan before feeling herself being lifted.

Was it truly her fault? Should she have never told Qi Sheng what Bai Yi Chen did, maybe if she had just held it in just like Wang Hai said perhaps all this wouldn't have happened, now because of her, this man was going to die like the others.