The night party

After standing in the same position for what felt like hours, they were suddenly interrupted much to Feng Tian's distaste by the sound of her stomach grumbling. Immediately Qi Yan lips curl up in a smile as he watches the woman in his arms bury her head deeply in his chest to hide her embarrassment,

"I'm hungry, feed me." Feng Tian mumbled with a playful pout as she lifted her face from his chest to face him.

Qi Yan couldn't help but chuckle at her adorable request.

"Well, for me to do that, Miss Feng will have to let go of me." Qi Yan stated with a smile, lightly tapping Feng Tian who shook her head in protest before reluctantly unwrapping her hands as she received another warning from her stomach.

Once inside Qi Yan's apartment, Feng Tian's eyes wandered around, taking in the sight of a well-arranged and tidy space, shattering any preconceived notions she had about the untidy bachelor lifestyle he might lead.

Feng Tian smiled as her eyes landed on a picture of Qi Yan and Qi Sheng that was on the wall as she waited for him to get dressed.

Feeling her phone vibrate in her purse, she slowly fished it out and muttered a small hello, and after a while, she said her goodbyes before cutting the call.

"Well, looks like I won this round again." Feng Tian muttered with a smirk before she was pulled out of her thoughts.

"Is that Mr Li?" Qi Yan inquired, his curiosity piqued as he emerged from his room, looking even more dashing than he did earlier. His attire was immaculate, exuding an air of sophistication and charm that left Feng Tian momentarily mesmerized. She had thought he looked breathtaking with the freshly out of the shower look he had on when he opened the door earlier, but seeing him now she realized that she was wrong, the man before her was the epitome of perfection, and the most interesting part was that he was all hers.

"Is he asking where you are?" Qi Yan asked again, his lips drawing up in a smirk as he noticed the mesmerized look on her face,

"Uh… it was someone else." Feng Tian replied absentmindedly as she followed him to the kitchen area.

"So, what do you want to eat?"

"Anything without onion, I'm allergic to it."

Surprised by the revelation, Qi Yan turned to face her,

"You are the second person I know who is allergic to onion,"

"Who is the first person?"

"A certain someone," Qi Yan said with a smile as he thought back to the strange elevator girl he met at YM five years ago.

"Should I be jealous with that smile of yours?" Feng Tian asked teasingly while resting her hand on her cheek as she continue to watch in fascination as he made his way around the kitchen.

Few minutes later, Qi Yan placed a plate of food in front of Feng Tian who swallowed as she stared at the mouth-watering meal in front of her. Noticing her expression, Qi Yan chuckled before gesturing to her to dig in.

After the dinner, Qi Yan offered to drive Feng Tian home and after some minutes they arrive in front of her apartment.

"Oh… before I forget, we will be attending an event on Wednesday night, you can bring Xiaorui too, I will have someone send your outfits." Feng Tian said as she slowly move to close the distance between them,

"Thank you for today, Qi Yan." Feng Tian whispered as she tilted her neck up, feeling her breathing spike as her eyes landed on his slightly parted lips,

"Good night," Qi Yan replied, his voice low and intimate. With that, he created some distance between them before turning to leave, leaving Feng Tian to savor the memory of their evening.

Feng Tian continues to watch until Qi Yan's figure disappears before picking up her phone to call Li Wei,

"Bring Ye Shouyi to me, we have work to do."


The night of the party arrived, and Wang Hai and Cheng Rou Ling arrived at the venue in style. The grandeur of the event was nothing short of breathtaking, with a dazzling array of celebrities, business owners, and eager fans, all gathered at the entrance.

With practiced grace, Wang Hai stepped out of his limousine and promptly made his way to the other side of the car to open the door for Cheng Rou Ling like a perfect gentleman. The flash of cameras was blinding as reporters swarmed him with their probing questions.

"Mr. Wang, seeing you here, does it mean that YM will be the one signing with Samuel?"

"Mr. Wang, how do you feel about this deal, are you confident?"

As Wang Hai fielded questions, a female reporter, distractedly adjusting her camera, suddenly felt a push from behind that sent her stumbling into Wang Hai. The cheerful facade he had maintained gave way to anger, and he shoved the reporter away, incensed by the unexpected intrusion.

"Mr. Wang, I'm so sorr…" The reporter began, but her words died on her lips as she met Wang Hai's furious glare.

"What the hell!" Wang Hai yelled as he shove her off, and immediately the whole crowd turned their attention towards the enraged Wang Hai.

Charlie who had arrived earlier with Ye Shouyi and Huang Zhenjun sighed as he stared at Wang Hai, who continue to insult the reporter regardless of the fact that the reporters were continuously taking pictures,

"Hey, what are you doing? Why are you taking pictures, won't you get rid of that camera?" Wang Hai yelled.

Amidst the chaos, Feng Tian had arrived, but it took a moment for her presence to register among the reporters. Her calm and composed demeanor was a stark contrast to the chaos that had erupted around Wang Hai.

Feng Tian wasted no time in taking charge of the situation. She approached the female reporter who had fallen and extended a helping hand to lift her to her feet. As she did, the crowd's murmurs and camera flashes intensified.

"Is that…"

"I-it's Feng Tian!"

"Mr. Wang, that's enough, don't you think?" Feng Tian admonished, her voice laced with authority. She shot Wang Hai a pointed glare before before signaling to Li Wei to escort the female reporter away from the hotel's premises.

"Miss Feng, must I say you look absolutely stunning tonight." Wang Hai said to Feng Tian who ignored him.

As the commotion died down, it became clear that Feng Tian had stolen the spotlight. The realization rippled through the crowd as she made her way into the grand hall, followed by Qi Yan and Xiaorui.