Royals entertainment's newly signed star commits suicide

Feng Tian flinched as the unmistakable sound of Jenna's body crashing down to the ground reached her ears, reverberating through the area. The echoing thud was a stark contrast to the peaceful setting, and it sent shivers down her spine. Qi Yan, Xiaorui, and Yan Zhiwei, who had immediately rushed forward to the rooftop's edge to stop Jenna, looked on in bewilderment and horror as they stared at her now lifeless body sprawled on the cold concrete.

Qi Yan's usually composed face displayed a mix of shock and disbelief. Xiaorui's face had paled, and his eyes darted between Jenna's body and the surrounding area. Yan Zhiwei, the agency's director, was at a loss for words, his face etched with concern and sadness.