In loving memory

In loving memory of our beloved star, whom we lost too soon.

Gone, yet not forgotten.

Gone from our sight, but never from our hearts.

Our deepest regrets: For your cry for help, we were too blind to notice.

For the light that went out in the sky of a million stars, we will always care about.


Feng Tian stared at the condolence message Royals Entertainment posted on Jenna's fan page one more time, and softly smiled.

It's been three days since the board meeting, and two days since Jia Jia posted her apology speech online. And over the course of the few days, the public's sentiments had shifted dramatically. What was once a sea of criticism and name-calling had transformed into an outpouring of condolences and regret for Jenna's untimely death. Positive comments flooded the company's homepage every minute, changing the public's perception of Feng Tian and the Royals Group.