Second meeting

Bai Yi Chen stared at the woman in front of him in silence before accepting her handshake, her resemblance to Chun Huan was too uncanny, but at the same time they looked entirely different; her eyes; The eyes which looked as though it was burning a hole in his heart looked exactly like Chun Huan's, the difference being, while Chun Huan's eyes emitted innocence and pure beauty, hers were a mixture of coldness blazing with fire. It was strange, because just like the first time he met her at the broadcasting station, he couldn't help the nagging feeling at the back of his mind that there was something about her, something he just couldn't place a hand on. Who is she? Why does his heart beat at a different pace in front of her?

"You two know each other?" Yan Si Tang asked as she stared at their joined hands, slowly pulling her hand away from his grip, Feng Tian smiled as she turns to face Yan Si Tang,

"We met the last time when Nanchun's press interviewed me."