Unpleasant evening/ super hyper morning

Immediately they got back to the resort, they were met by Cao Wenmin, Guanchao, and the staff who had been anxiously waiting outside the resort's entrance. Quickly ordering the staff to take Hao Junjie to his room, Guanchao sighed, he could not believe Hao Junjie had gotten himself drunk to the point of even going limp, when it wasn't even that late yet.

"Why haven't you left yet?" Feng Tian asked with a frown as she slowly turns to face Cao Wenmin whose face clearly showed how tired he was, 

"How can I leave, when I was the one who didn't manage my staff well?" Cao Wenmin replied with a small smile,

"I apologize for the trouble he caused. Junjie, he's…" Feng Tian said to Cao Wenmin who shook his head in protest,

"No need to apologize, I know Junjie as much as you do, that's why I'm going to tell you not to be too hard on him, he will eventually come around one day." Cao Wenmin said.