
One hour later, Qi Yan arrived at his destination, his eyes darting around as he tries to find a suitable location to park his car in the midst of the small-town street. Eventually pulling the car to a stop in a storefront, Qi Yan dug through the car's center console and pulled out his gun along with four bullets, it wasn't going to do much, but it would at least buy him some time; quickly loading the gun, Qi Yan shoved it inside his waistband before adjusting his leather jacket to keep the gun hidden.

Slowly stepping out of the car, Qi Yan exhaled and began to survey the area until his eyes landed on the huge banner that says farmer's market, immediately turning to face his car again, Qi Yan smirked as he spotted the strange-looking males who quickly turned their eyes away as they watch him lightly raise his jacket to show them what was hidden underneath before he made his way further into the market.