She's gone

Immediately Qi Yan arrived in front of the hall, he stepped out of the car and slammed the door shut, he couldn't help the uneasy feeling spreading through every vein in his body as he dialed Feng Tian's phone for the 20th time, the phone ringing for a few seconds before it was directed to voicemail again. Qi Yan frowned, immediately he quickly dialed Li Wei's number, the latter also unavailable. Sighing frustratingly, he was about to dash into the hall, when suddenly he heard a voice call out for him, 

"Qi Yan." 

Quickly whipping his head to face the direction the voice came from, Qi Yan sighed as his eyes landed on Gu Jinyan, Li Ming Hao, and some others inside a black van; slowly stepping out of a black van, Gu Jinyan and Li Ming Hao rush to meet him.

"Team leader, How's it." Qi Yan asked as his eyes darted around to survey the hall's premises,