Not anymore

Feng Tian nodded in understanding as she stared at the shivering timid boy in front of her. Seeing as his nose was buried between his laps, Feng Tian's eyes shifted to his line of sight, and on seeing that he was staring at his tattered shoes, she sighed.

"Hey, do you speak?" She asked, not failing to notice how he tensed up at the sound of her voice.

The kid who seemed surprised by Feng Tian's tone, bite down on his lips as if contemplating whether it was a good idea to answer before he finally replied with a timid nod after staying quiet for a few moments,


As much as Feng Tian would have loved to offer him a comforting smile, she couldn't bring herself to do so, so she just let her face soften a little, and as if he were waiting for that to happen, the little boy slowly lifted his head to face her.

"So, what do they call you?" 

"X-Xiao Tang."