The intriguing stranger

In the midst of the tender moment, Charlie's phone suddenly buzzed in his pocket, drawing their shared reverie to a halt. Gently unwrapping Feng Tian's hands from around his torso, he slowly turned to face her, his lips curling up in a weak smile as series of unspoken questions continue to burn in his mind.

"Alright, don't you have to go to the company soon?" Charlie inquired as he busied himself with setting the table. "I'm pretty sure Mr. Li is already muttering curses with my name in it for keeping you this long." Though Feng Tian had little appetite, she recognized Charlie's playful bait, knowing that refusing to eat would only fuel his insistence,

"Uhn, what's that look on your face?" Charlie asked as he set the cup in his hand down, his brows furrowing as he stared at her.