Forced reconciliation

Immediately the words left Feng Tian's mouth, Ye Shouyi almost choked on his tea, as both he and Hao Junjie instantly turned their eyes towards the female who seemed less concerned about their sudden reaction to the bomb she had just dropped as she slowly lifted her cup to her lips,

"Wait, I didn't quite catch that, what do you mean by working together?" Hao Junjie asked as he quickly sat up. Were his ears deceiving him? Working together, what was Feng Tian talking about?

'It's not what I think, is it?' Hao Junjie quickly shakes his head in denial to dismiss the horrible thought, no matter how senseless and unreasonable she was, Feng Tian wouldn't dare to put him in the same department and give him the same position as a Ye Shouyi in Royals, No! It's not just possible, she wouldn't, right? Hao Junjie thought, but little did he know, Feng Tian's plan for him was far from his thoughts.