It's okay, I got you

Feng Tian didn't know how long they were stuck in the elevator, she just sat with her eyes closed, occasionally turning to see if Bai Yi Chen was still breathing. Feng Tian didn't even realize that she was bleeding until she suddenly began to feel light-headed, and just as she was about to let herself submit to oblivion, she suddenly began to hear muffled voices in the distance.

Immediately, Feng Tian's eyes fluttered open, her ears instantly perking up as she continues to listen to the loud bangs that were coming from the ceiling, slowly, she shuffled to her knees, feeling the pain in her side give in as she made her way towards the metallic door,

"Feng Tian!" A voice called out, and immediately, Feng Tian raise her hand and began to bang on the door, hoping the sound could at least reach the other side,

"Miss Feng!!!" Multiple voices called out again, causing Feng Tian to hasten her pace and furiously began to bang harder on the metallic door,